Про мене: You should get to know me because while my wardrobe is bright, my sense of humor is dark. I am strong and my confidence is beautiful. I am a powerful sexual being who is in touch with my deepest sexual nature and kinkiest desires. I bake and get baked. I masturbate regularly and then stalk myself on social media. I've started having staring contests with unaware people (I always win) I flirt with cute little old men, just to make them smile. And yet, I still hide out in the bathroom with the door locked in an attempt to hide from my kids The craziest thing I've ever done sexually was when I went to my first swinger party. I had sex with three different strangers in under an hour while blindfolded. I won't lie, this was off the chain amazing and still makes me wet to think of it I specialize in deepthroating, light BDSM, solo toy play, and squirting but enjoy a wide range of kinks. I like to call myself a trysexual I will try anything sexual at least once. As far as what I can offer I like to think my charming personality cures loneliness and that my squirting on command could brighten the worst day.

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    5 футів 66 дюймів (168 см)
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