День 20 gpp challenge з Julia v Earth. нові вправи дали нову напругу м'язам.

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This is the last day of the 2nd part (from 4 parts) of my 40-days challenge and I sum up the results. And of course, I do my next training with new exercises, which gave brand new tension to my muscle

Розміщено TheoryOfSex

Video Transcription

Hi guys, Julia Versys here and today is 5th April of 2022 and today is 20th day of GPP challenge

and this is amazing, this is really big number of consequent days when we do our exercises

So, I think that I have to tell about the results, each 10 days I give information about my results from these exercises

10 more days and I feel myself much more energized, capacity of my inside battery is much bigger and my general condition is much better

and also I can see that my thighs became smaller, more fit already, this is only 19 days we train with simple training

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Also, I feel about my face, it became more energized, fresher and overall tonus is much better

Yes, I am so excited, ok, let's see also my ass, how is it? Did it become better?

Yeah, I think so, so I am sure that I am getting better, so my exercises giving the great result

So, let's start our 20th day of GPP challenge with me Julia P. Eros and as usually we started from warming up, so let's do it

So, now we will do very interesting exercise like foot punching

Ok, so our legs stand wider and a little bit like this

Actually, not necessary to move your hands, here most important this is turning of your back, so I will turn to you my back side

It's almost done, wait while standing


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